
Successful Medicare Client Plan Selection

Echo Financial wants medicare agents to focus on a plan selection that best fits the client’s needs, not the one that offers the most benefits.  It can be easy to get caught up in offering the “best” plan, but in reality, there is no “best” plan. If you are a medicare agent, don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis! Here are some tips for successful client plan selection.

Don’t Overcomplicate It

When you first start out selling medicare don’t overcomplicate the process. Rather than selling medicare coverage plans for multiple insurance companies, choose one company or identify the most popular plans in your area.

medicare salesman

medicare salesman showing clients paperwork

Identify the Insurance Company You Want to Sell For

Every insurance company has its niche, some companies provide excellent medicare benefits, some are great during catastrophic events, and others are great for low-income families. As an agent, you need to identify which insurance company you want to sell for. Understand what the company’s niche is and pursue clients that need what that insurance company is offering. 

How Do Plans Make it to The Top in Many Areas?

When you are discovering which plans are the most popular in the areas you are trying to sell to, consider the following criteria: 

  • The number of providers that accept them
  • The richness of benefits
  • What do the prescription drug plans cover?
  • The customer service

After identifying the top plans in the area, most of the time those will be the medicare coverage plans that you will be selling. 

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woman using laptop

Echo Financial is Here to Help 

Echo Financial wants medicare agents to succeed and help clients over the age of sixty-five get the medicare benefit and coverage they need. We offer agent training courses and podcasts so you can continue to educate yourself on best practices for client plan selection. 

When it comes to successful client plan selection, don’t start out looking at what the plan can offer your clients. Build a relationship with your client and understand their needs prior to looking for an insurance company. Echo Financial is a people-focused company and encourages medicare agents to be the same way. Have questions? Contact us today!

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